10-K Filing Date: March 28, 2024
Item 1C.
Risk Management and Strategy
We employ a cybersecurity program which we believe is appropriate for the potential of cybersecurity threats faced by us and is built upon a set of policies, procedures and standards supported by training and education Our information systems employ local and cloud storage and recovery services from various third parties. We have engaged third-party consultants to assess and gather threat intelligence and cyber risk trends and conduct assessments and testing of our cybersecurity procedures and protections.
Governance and Role of Management and the Board
Our Chief Operating Officer leads our cybersecurity program and reports, with respect to cybersecurity incidents, to the Company’s Chief Financial Officer. Our Chief Financial Officer reports directly to the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee, which is the principal committee charged with the Board’s risk management oversight, including cybersecurity risks. The Chief Financial Officer briefs the Board and Audit Committee on the effectiveness of our cybersecurity program quarterly. We have not experienced any cybersecurity threats or incidents that have had a material impact on our business to date.