Inhibikase Therapeutics, Inc. - (IKT)
10-K Filing Date: March 27, 2024
Risk Management and Strategy
We recognize the importance of developing, implementing and maintaining cybersecurity measures to safeguard our information systems and protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. We have integrated cybersecurity risk management into our broader risk management framework. Our digital and technology organization outside the Company continually addresses cybersecurity risk in alignment with our business objectives and operational needs.
Our cybersecurity program is focused on the following areas:
Risks from Cybersecurity Threats
While we are subject to ongoing cybersecurity threats, the risks from these threats have not materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect the company, including our business strategy, results of operations or financial condition. For additional information regarding risks from cybersecurity threats, see "Item 1A. Risk Factors-Risks Related to Our Operations" in this Annual Report.
Board Oversight of Cybersecurity Risks
Our Board of Directors (Board) is responsible for the oversight of our risk management program and regularly reviews information regarding our most significant strategic, operational, financial, legal and compliance risks, including cybersecurity risks. The Board reviews mitigation plans through discussions with management, which includes regular Board reports and findings from management’s monthly discussions with our outside IT group. Our Board of Directors also reviews and approves our cybersecurity policies, strategies, and budgets on an annual basis.
Management's Role in Assessing and Managing Cybersecurity Risks
Our CEO in conjunction with our external IT team are responsible for setting the strategy and communicating cybersecurity risks. With the Company’s distributed model of data storage, risks have been limited and the Company has not experienced a cybersecurity breach. The Company’s security measures and monthly system audits to identify potential vulnerabilities and remediate deficiencies in real time.