NP Life Sciences Health Industry Group Inc. - (NPLS)

10-K Filing Date: April 16, 2024


We ae not conducting significant operations, so cybersecurity threats have not affected our business strategy or results of operations and the Board of Directors will assess the potential threat to future operations as such operations develop. The Board of Directors oversees management’s processes for identifying and mitigating risks, including cybersecurity risks, to facilitate mitigating our risks involved with cybersecurity. help align our risk exposure with our strategic objectives. The Board relies on its executive officers to identify cybersecurity risks and retains oversight of cybersecurity. In the event of an incident, we intend to take appropriate steps from incident detection to mitigation, recovery and notification of appropriate parties. Management is responsible for day-to-day monitoring of cybersecurity, including detection and response and to report risks and incidents to the Board of Directors. We rely on computer software provided by third parties to protect our computer systems against cybersecurity threats.