Target Group Inc. - (CBDY)

10-K Filing Date: March 20, 2024

Item 1C. Cybersecurity

Risk Management and Strategy

The Company invests in information technology systems for its operations. Such investments, including the implementation of technology updates, improves the Company’s customers’ experience, and supports both compliance and internal controls. The Company is actively engaged in attempting to identify and manage cybersecurity risks. Protecting company data, non-public customer and employee data, and the systems that collect, process, and maintain this information is a Company priority.

Cybersecurity Risk

In recent years there has been an increased risk of information and security risks due to increased sophistication and activities of perpetrators of cyber attacks. The computers are used for our everyday business operations including mobile devices and other online means of activities to connect with our customers, employees, suppliers and other parties. This extensive use give rise to cybersecurity risks such as system disruption, theft and the release of confidential information. There are numerous sensitive information stored in the system and intellectual property, including employees, customers and other financial information.

In the future we may be required to expend additional resources to continue to enhance information security measures to investigate and remediate any information security vulnerabilities. We can provide no assurances that the measures we have implemented to prevent security breaches and cyber incidents will be effective in the event of a cyber-attack.