10-K Filing Date: April 15, 2024


The Company has adopted processes designed to assess, identify, and manage material risks from cybersecurity threats that are integrated into the Company’s overall risk management system. The Company’s cybersecurity risk management processes are managed by Tuearis Cyber (“Tuearis”) an outside contractor with significant experience and expertise in designing and implementing cybersecurity programs for corporate entities such as the Company.


During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company did not experience any risks from cybersecurity threats that materially affected or were reasonably likely to materially affect the Company’s business strategy, results of operations, or financial condition.

The Company’s Board of Directors, through its Audit Committee (the “Committee”), working closely with the Company’s corporate governance consultant, provides oversight of risks from cybersecurity threats by monitoring incident-based reports from Tuearis as to the existence and severity of such risks. When risks are identified, the Committee works with the Company’s corporate governance consultant to develop appropriate responses, based on the recommendations of Tuearis. The Company does not have an employee with specific expertise in cybersecurity risk management but relies on Tuearis to provide that expertise. All material cybersecurity risks, incidents, and responses are reported to the Committee as a routine matter.