Evoke Pharma Inc - (EVOK)
10-K Filing Date: March 14, 2024
We have taken steps to develop and implement a cybersecurity risk management program intended to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our critical systems and information.
Our cybersecurity risk management program includes:
We have not identified risks from known cybersecurity threats, including as a result of any prior cybersecurity incidents, that have materially affected or are reasonably likely to materially affect us, including our operations, business strategy, results of operations, or financial condition. For more information, see the section titled “Risk Factor—Risks Related to our Business, including the Regulatory Compliance and Commercialization of our Product, Gimoti— Our business and operations would suffer in the event of information technology system failures, cyberattacks, and other security incidents.”
Cybersecurity Governance
Our Board considers cybersecurity risk as part of its risk oversight function and has delegated oversight of cybersecurity and other information technology risks to the Audit Committee ("the Audit Committee"). The Audit Committee oversees management’s implementation of our cybersecurity risk management program.
The Audit Committee receives annual reports from management on our cybersecurity risks. In addition, management updates the Committee, as necessary, regarding any material cybersecurity incidents, as well as any incidents with lesser impact potential.
The Audit Committee reports to the full Board regarding its activities, including those related to cybersecurity. The full Board also receives briefings from management on our cyber risk management program, as required. Board members may receive presentations on cybersecurity topics from external experts as part of the Board’s continuing education on topics that impact public companies.
Our management team, including our President and Chief Operating Officer, is responsible for assessing and managing our material risks from cybersecurity threats. The team has primary responsibility for our overall cybersecurity risk management program and supervises our retained external cybersecurity consultants. Our management team’s experience includes decades of experience in overseeing operations, including information technology functions, in the public company environment.
Our management team supervises efforts to prevent, detect, mitigate, and remediate cybersecurity risks and incidents through various means, which may include briefings from external consultants engaged by us; threat intelligence and other information obtained from governmental, public or private sources; and alerts and reports produced by security tools deployed in the IT environment.