Kartoon Studios, Inc. - (TOON)
10-K Filing Date: April 09, 2024
Item 1C. Cybersecurity
Our cybersecurity measure is primarily focused on ensuring the security and protection of computer systems and networks. We utilize a third-party service provider, as well as internal resources, to monitor and, as appropriate, respond to cybersecurity risks. We maintain various protections designed to safeguard against cyberattacks, including firewalls and virus detection software. We also periodically scan our environment for any vulnerabilities and perform penetration testing. In addition, to promote security awareness, we provide cybersecurity risk training to all employees at least annually.
Oversight responsibility for information security matters is shared by the Board, Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”), VP of Internal Audit and our internal information technology (“IT”) resources. Our CFO and VP of Internal Audit oversee our cybersecurity risk management, including appropriate risk mitigation strategies, systems, processes, and controls, and receives quarterly updates from IT and the third-party IT service provider on cybersecurity and information security matters. The CFO communicates with the Board periodically regarding the state of our cybersecurity risk management, current and evolving threats and recommendations for changes. We have also implemented a cyber incident response plan that provides a protocol to report certain incidents to the CFO with the goal of timely assessment of such incidents, determining applicable disclosure requirements and communicating with the Board for timely and accurate reporting of any material cybersecurity incident.
As of the date of this report, we are not aware of any material risks from cybersecurity threats, that have materially affected or are reasonably likely to materially affect the Company, including our business strategy, results of operations, or financial condition.