10-K Filing Date: February 22, 2024
Item 1C. Cybersecurity
Risk Management and Strategy
Our information management and communication systems and networks, and related platforms and applications, are integral to the operation of our business. We recognize the critical importance of developing, implementing, and maintaining robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard our information systems and protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our data.

Managing Material Risks & Integrated Overall Risk Management
We have strategically integrated cybersecurity risk management into our broader risk management framework to facilitate a company-wide awareness of cybersecurity risk management. This integration ensures that cybersecurity considerations are an integral part of our decision-making processes at every level. Our management team works closely with our IT department to continuously evaluate and address cybersecurity risks in alignment with our business objectives and operational needs. Our information security processes are designed to manage material risks from cybersecurity threats to our information systems and maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our data.

Engage Third-parties on Risk Management
We engage external experts, including cybersecurity assessors and consultants, in evaluating and testing our risk management systems. These partnerships enable us to leverage specialized knowledge and insights, ensuring our cybersecurity strategies and processes remain consistent with industry best practices. These third-parties have performed threat assessments, and consultation on security enhancements and evolving best practices.
Oversee Third-party Risk
To address risks associated with third-party service providers, we review and assess the cybersecurity controls of our third-party service providers and vendors, as appropriate, and make changes to our business processes to manage these risks. This approach is designed to mitigate risks related to data breaches or other security incidents originating from third-parties.
Risks from Cybersecurity Threats
We have not experienced a data or other cybersecurity breach in the past three years that have materially impaired our operations or resulted in a financial loss.


Governance and Oversight
Management’s Role Managing Risk
All Cybersecurity threats are reported to the Chief Technology and Innovation Officer (the “CTIO”), who promptly informs the General Counsel, Chief Financial Officer and other senior management officers of any cybersecurity incident or material cybersecurity threat. In the event of a cybersecurity incident, management is equipped with a comprehensive cybersecurity incident and breach management policy that addresses investigation, remediation, notification, communication and reporting. The cybersecurity incident and breach management policy prescribes actions to respond to the immediate cybersecurity incident as well as strategies intended to prevent future incidents.
Risk Management Personnel
Primary responsibility for assessing, monitoring and managing our cybersecurity risks rests with the CTIO, Mr. Jim Kurek. With over 20 years of experience in technology across multiple verticals, his expertise includes all facets of information technology including cyber security, infrastructure and operations, digital transformation, and data analytics. Mr. Kurek brings a wealth of expertise to his role. His in-depth knowledge and experience are instrumental in developing and executing our cybersecurity strategies.
Board of Trustee Oversight

Our Board of Trustees recognizes the critical need to manage cybersecurity risks. The Board has established oversight mechanisms to enhance effective governance in managing risks associated with cybersecurity threats. The Audit Committee, comprised of board members with diverse experiences and expertise, is central to the Board’s oversight of management’s governance and management of cybersecurity risks and strategies.

At least once each quarter, the CTIO provides reports to the Audit Committee, which include an update on cybersecurity practices and matters. Additionally, the CTIO provides comprehensive briefings to the Board annually. These briefings include a review and discussion of (i) our cybersecurity, data privacy and other information technology risks and related risk management strategies, policies and procedures to protect our business systems and information, and (ii) strategies, policies and procedures to respond to potential security breach incidents, including communications plans and disaster recovery procedures.