Coronado Global Resources Inc. - (CODQL)
10-K Filing Date: February 20, 2024
Risk Management and Strategy:
Coronado has implemented software governance tools to assess, identify, and manage material risks from
cybersecurity threats. Coronado heavily relies on information technology systems throughout its operations, and
acknowledges the critical importance of safeguarding its digital assets and protecting sensitive information.
Regular security assessments are conducted to monitor technological implementations against global standards.
Coronado also maintains a suite of security measures to help defend against unauthorized access and
misappropriation of technology. Additionally, the Coronado IT department distributes training and awareness
information covering email security, password security, data handling security, and cloud security.
Coronado’s cybersecurity risk management is integrated into its Group risk management processes, which are
governed by the Group Risk Management Framework and Risk Management Policy. The Risk Management
Framework and Risk Management Policy outline:
Certain key controls considered through Coronado’s internal control processes are linked to cybersecurity risks,
these include controls over access and change management for key financial systems. Where the management
of these key financial systems is outsourced to third parties, Coronado receives assurance reports on the
effectiveness of key vendor controls. Additionally, Coronado uses third parties to conduct cybersecurity
penetration testing at Coronado's US and Australian operations. In 2023, Coronado created the Digital Advisory
Committee (Committee), which is chaired by the Vice President of Information Technology. As part of Coronado’s
processes to oversee and identify cybersecurity threats associated with its use of third-party service providers,
the Committee is tasked with reviewing new software requests from Coronado’s various divisions. The Committee
is comprised of business systems, plant, and operational personnel from both Coronado’s US and Australian
As of the filing of this Annual Report on Form 10-K, Coronado is not aware of any cybersecurity incidents that
have occurred since the beginning of 2023 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially
affect, Coronado, including Coronado’s business strategy, results of operations or financial condition. Coronado
could be subject to cybersecurity incidents in the future which may have a material adverse effect on Coronado’s
business strategy, results of operations or financial condition. For further information on Coronado’s risks relating
to cybersecurity threats, see “Operation and Technology Risks” in “Risk Factors” on page 51
of this Form 10-K.
The Board of Directors (Board) is responsible for reviewing, ratifying, and monitoring systems of risk
management, internal control, and legal compliance. This includes identifying the main risks associated with
Coronado's businesses, including cybersecurity risk, and implementing appropriate systems to manage such
risks. As outlined in the Audit Governance and Risk Committee (AGRC) charter, the Board has delegated to the
AGRC responsibility for overseeing corporate and governance risk management, financial risk management, and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, standards, and best practice guidelines. In 2024, the AGRC charter
was amended to confirm that this responsibility includes the oversight of cybersecurity risk. The AGRC is informed
of cybersecurity risks by management, which includes an annual cybersecurity risk presentation. As part of their
review of reports from management, the AGRC reports cybersecurity risk updates to the Board, which enables
the Board to incorporate the insights of such reports into its overall risk oversight analysis.
Supporting this governance framework, the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) is responsible for maintaining
effective systems of risk management and internal control, as well as responding to cybersecurity incidents. The
Vice President of Information Technology is responsible for the cybersecurity function. The Vice President of
Information Technology has experience in various roles involving managing information systems and
cybersecurity functions and developing cybersecurity strategies. The Vice President of Information Technology
reports to the Group Chief Financial Officer (Group CFO), who is a member of the ELT.
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In order to prevent, detect, mitigate and remediate cybersecurity incidents, Coronado maintains a Cyber Incident
Response Plan (Plan). The Plan outlines Coronado's approach to identifying and containing cybersecurity
incidents, along with recovery and improvement processes. The Plan includes incident assessment criteria that
allow for escalation of potentially material cybersecurity incidents. The Group CFO reports to the AGRC in the
event of a potentially material cybersecurity incident. Additionally, annual reviews of Coronado’s current
cybersecurity status are presented to the Board and the AGRC by management.
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