10-K Filing Date: April 02, 2024
We do not presently maintain any formal processes for assessing, identifying and managing material risks from cybersecurity threats.
We engage a consultant to maintain our website, email, financial record keeping and related internet capabilities, including, as necessary, addressing any cybersecurity incidents. To date we have not experienced any material cybersecurity incidents. Given the nature of our operations (single location, minimal customer interface, no gathering of customer digital data, etc.), we do not believe that we are reasonably likely to face any material cybersecurity risks.
Our audit committee is tasked with oversight of risks from cybersecurity threats. Our audit committee interfaces with our consultant periodically to assess vulnerability to cybersecurity threats and determine actions to be taken in response to such threats. In the event risks are identified and actions are recommended by our consultant, our audit committee will communicate the same to our chief executive officer who is charged with interfacing with our consultant in addressing any identified cybersecurity threats. Similarly, if our officers become aware of material cybersecurity threats, they are charged with communicating the same to our audit committee.