10-K Filing Date: April 30, 2024
Risk Management and Strategy
We recognize the critical importance of developing, implementing, and maintaining robust cybersecurity measures to maintain the security, confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our business systems and confidential information, including personal information and intellectual property.
Our cybersecurity program includes systems and processes for assessing, identifying and managing material risks from cybersecurity threats and include maintenance and monitoring of information security policies aligned with information technology controls; user and employee awareness of cybersecurity policies and practices; information systems configuration management; and infrastructure security systems. Management makes concerted efforts to select third-party software providers with a demonstrated track-record of effectively addressing cybersecurity concerns. In event of a cybersecurity incident, we would rely upon these providers. We have developed and implemented cybersecurity and data privacy processes and procedures that are informed by recognized cybersecurity frameworks and standards, including Microsoft Azure CSPM and SOC 2. We use this framework, together with information collected from periodic manual assessments and automated testing, to tailor aspects of our cybersecurity practices given the nature of our assets, operations and business.
The members of our information technology team actively monitor threats to the information technology environment and work with our third-party service providers to monitory cybersecurity threats. In light of the Company’s current size and limited personnel, management believes relying on experienced third-party providers is the most prudent and cost-effective course.
As of the date of this Annual Report, there have been no cybersecurity threats that have materially affected or are reasonably likely to materially affect our business, operations, or financial condition. For more information on how cybersecurity risk could materially affect our company’s business strategy, results of operations, or financial condition, please refer to the “Risk Factors” section of this Annual Report.
Cybersecurity is an important part of our risk management processes and an area of focus for our Board of Directors and management. Our Board of Directors is responsible for general cybersecurity risk oversight and stays informed on data privacy and information security issues and vulnerabilities that may be applicable to the Company. Our Board of Directors reviews and evaluates management’s evaluation and mitigation of cybersecurity risks as part of its oversight of the Company’s risk management program. Management periodically reviews cybersecurity risks and risk mitigation plans and activities with the Board of Directors. We outsource most aspects of our information technology management and these third-party providers are available to address any cybersecurity issues that may arise.
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