Jerash Holdings , Inc. - (JRSH)
10-K Filing Date: June 28, 2024
Risk Management and Strategy
Cybersecurity is a vital aspect of maintaining the trust of our customers and employees. We have instituted a comprehensive cybersecurity risk management program that employs various methods to monitor and assess our threat environment and risk profile. These methods include the use of manual and automated tools, conducting scans of the threat environment, evaluating our and our industry’s risk profile, evaluating threats reported to us and conducting vulnerabilities assessments. We have company-wide policies and procedures in place that further enhance our ability to identify and manage cybersecurity risks. Our employees receive ongoing training under our security policies.
Annual risk assessments and penetration testing are primarily performed by our internal staff, and we have not engaged any third parties in connection with such processes except that we have an external Management Information Systems consultant, or MIS consultant, who provides advices to our CEO in the review of test results. We believe these tests are useful tools for maintaining a robust cybersecurity program to protect our investors, customers, employees, vendors, and intellectual property. The results of these tests are presented annually to the CEO, with support provided by our external MIS consultant, for review to ensure compliance with cybersecurity standards.
During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, we have not identified any risks from cybersecurity threats that have materially affected our business operations or financial conditions.
Our CEO, MIS consultant, and MIS supervisor oversee risk management to ensure that the Company’s policies and procedures are functioning as intended to protect the Company’s information systems from cybersecurity threats.
More specifically, MIS supervisor is responsible for identifying and assessing cybersecurity risks on an ongoing basis, establishing processes designed to ensure that such potential cybersecurity risk exposures are monitored, putting in place appropriate mitigation and remediation measures, and maintaining cybersecurity programs. Our cybersecurity programs are managed under the direction of CEO and MIS consultant, and MIS supervisor monitors the prevention, detection, mitigation, and remediation of cybersecurity risks. MIS supervisor regularly updates the CEO on the Company’s cybersecurity programs, material cybersecurity risks and mitigation strategies and provides regular cybersecurity updates.