Rainmaker Worldwide Inc. - (RAKR)
10-K Filing Date: April 01, 2024
Risk Management and Strategy
The Company has processes for assessing, identifying, and managing material risks from cybersecurity threats. These processes are integrated into the Company’s overall risk management systems, as overseen by the Company’s board of directors, primarily through its audit committee. These processes also include overseeing and identifying risks from cybersecurity threats associated with the use of third-party service providers. The Company conducts security assessments of certain third-party providers before engagement and has established monitoring procedures in its effort to mitigate risks related to data breaches or other security incidents originating from third parties. The Company has a third-party consultant who, from time to time, evaluates any potential cybersecurity risks on the Company’s behalf.
Board of Directors
The audit committee of the Company’s board of directors, with the input of management, oversees the Company’s internal controls, including internal controls designed to assess, identify, and manage material risks from cybersecurity threats. The audit committee is informed of material risks from cybersecurity threats by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and interim Chief Financial Officer and, given the size of the Company, its IT consultant. In the event that there were ever suspicions of cybersecurity risks, updates on such risks, including material risks and threats, would be provided to the Company’s audit committee and the Company’s board of directors as required. Given the limited nature of the Company’s IT infrastructure, in the conduct of its business, there have not been any cybersecurity issues.
Under the oversight of the audit committee of the Company’s board of directors, and as directed by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer who, from time to time, engages the Company’s IT consultant to review the security of its IT structure is primarily responsible for the assessment and management of material cybersecurity risks. The IT consultant has more than 20 years of experience and is fully capable of dealing with any potential cybersecurity risks.
The audit committee of the Company’s board of directors, with the assistance of the Company’s interim Chief Financial Officer, is responsible for overseeing the establishment and effectiveness of controls and other procedures, including controls and procedures related to the public disclosure of material cybersecurity matters.
As of the date of this report, the Company is not aware of any cybersecurity incidents that have materially affected or are reasonably likely to materially affect the Company, including its business strategy, results of operations, or financial condition and that are required to be reported in this report. For further discussion of the risks associated with cybersecurity incidents, see the cybersecurity risk factors in Item 1A. Risk Factors in this report.