Dolphin Entertainment, Inc. - (DLPN)
10-K Filing Date: March 29, 2024
The Company is not aware of any cybersecurity threats or incidents to date that have materially affected its strategy, results of operations, or financial condition. However, the scope and impact of any future cybersecurity incident cannot be predicted with certainty. More information on how material cybersecurity attacks may impact the Company’s business is provided in “Item 1A. Risk Factors”.
Risk management and strategy
We maintain comprehensive policies and procedures designed to prevent and mitigate the risks posed by cybersecurity threats and incidents and to identify, analyze, address, mitigate and remediate those incidents that do occur.
The Company has established clear lines of communication with key stakeholders, including executives, IT teams, employees, and customers, to ensure transparency and an effective response to cybersecurity incidents.
The Director of Information Technology is tasked with, among other things, assessing, identifying and managing material cybersecurity risks and overseeing the implementation of the Company’s cybersecurity strategy. Furthermore, the Director of Information Technology provides cybersecurity awareness training to the Company’s employees and regularly communicates updates on best cybersecurity practices and improvements in the cybersecurity program.
The Company may use third-party programs and software and engage assessors, consultants, cybersecurity auditors, or other third parties to review, test, and advise on improvements to the Company’s cybersecurity infrastructure.
Role of the Board of Directors
The Audit Committee oversees the Company’s risk management and assessment, including its mitigation strategies, and updates the entire Board on the Company’s risk profile and exposures on an as needed basis. With respect to cybersecurity, the Company’s Director of Information Technology updates the Audit Committee on at least an annual basis on matters such as external cybersecurity threats and attack trends, updates to threat monitoring processes, the composition of the Company’s information security team, cybersecurity awareness training and testing, cybersecurity strategy, and cybersecurity metrics, and assesses the progress of cybersecurity programs, and the potential scope and impact of cybersecurity risks and incidents on the Company’s operations and financial condition. The Audit Committee may also meet with management on an ad hoc basis to discuss and review any material cybersecurity incidents or threats.
Role of Management
Senior management is responsible for assessing and managing the Company’s various exposures to risk, including those related to cybersecurity, on a day-to-day basis, including the identification of risks and the creation of appropriate risk management programs and policies to address such risks. Our Director of Information Technology has primary responsibility for managing our cybersecurity program and efforts.